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Tatry Magazín

Home About Liptov Tatry Magazín


The only lifestyle magazine about life in the Tatras …

Page magazine show visitors, tourists and vacationers that Slovakia has wonderful places where they await high-level experience, relaxation, fun and enjoyment of beautiful and delicious that can be enjoying all the senses.

Objective Tatras magazines are promoting the image of the top destinations in Slovakia, present them as a place where it pays to spend time and leave, to show what is in the Tatras, Liptov and Horehronie going, what to see and experience, who visited them where they can eat well, where to take the children, who need not be a wellness miss and also know where to invite their business partners. It is distributed regionally and even though it most visited places in Slovakia – High Tatras, Liptov and Low Tatras from the south – Hallelujah, not a regional magazine. Its readers are visitors to tourist facilities – hotels, cafes, restaurants, spas, aquariums and others. Regular columns, such as chair – an interview with interesting guests, personality region Socialites ten on the body and the lid, offers readers valuable information in an attractive format.

Magazine has two editions per year by main seasons – summer and winter.

Holidaymakers, tourists or visitors find the magazine in locations where it has the opportunity to browse through and read – hotel rooms, lobbies, cafeteria, lobby bar, wellnesy, water parks …

The magazine is available in tourist facilities FREE.

Tatras MAGAZINE – it is 120 pages lifestyle compelling reading with attractive graphics in high quality finish.

In 2016, the magazine won the prestigious award – Award of the Minister for the innovative contribution of tourism to the 22nd International Travel Fair ITF SLOVAKIATOUR.

Telephone contact

E-mail contact


Current issue of the magazine Summer 2017


Winter 2016/2017


Summer 2016


Winter 2015/2016

Zima 2015_2016

Summer 2015

Tatry Magazín LETO 2015

Winter 2014/2015

Tatry Magazín Zima 2015

  Summer 2014

Tatry Magazín Leto 2014

Winter  2013/2014

Tatry Magazín Zima 2014

Summer 2013

Tatry Magazín Leto 2013

Winter 2012/2013

Tatry Magazín Zima 2012

Summer 2012

Tatry Magazín Leto 2012


Plánovač Liptov

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