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Home Church of St. Peter of Alcantara

Church of St. Peter of Alcantara

Monastery Church of St. Peter of Alcantara is the largest sacral building in Liptov and at the same time a unique Gothic architecture in Slovakia.

The church consists of a three-nave hall with a length of 25 meters and a 17-meter-long sanctuary, illuminated by 4 Gothic apse windows and covered with a beautiful net vault. A Franciscan crypt was built in the centre of the sanctuary in the middle of the 18th century. The three-nave space is arched with a beautiful star vault supported by 6 columns. In its central part there are 4 medieval paintings called “Franciscan Heaven”. Others are located above the triumphal arch, where there is the “Bernardine Sun” situated in the middle. The paintings were discovered and restored to their original form during the last reconstruction. The interior of the church consists of the main baroque altar of St. Peter of Alcantara and 6 side baroque altars, a pulpit with statues of four evangelists and ornately carved patron benches from 1721. A chapel is added to the nave from the north side and below it there are the tombs of peasants of the Okoličianský family. The Ladislav Mattyasovský Museum, established in the cloister connecting the church and the monastery, is entered from the church through a Gothic portal discovered in 2011. The parish museum provides visitors with an insight into the spiritual life of the Franciscans.

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