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Home M.R.Stefanik Chalet under Mt Dumbier M.R.Stefanik Chalet under Mt Dumbier

M.R.Stefanik Chalet under Mt Dumbier

Estuary of Ski resort Jasná – Chopok crossroads – Demänovské saddle – Krúpovo saddle – Crossroads on Krúpovo saddle – Chalet gen. M.R. Štefánika (1 740 m n. m.)
Type: Mountain ridge climbs, For children
Difficulty: 3 - medium difficulty
Route length 5.8 km
Climb: 195 m
Sinking: 459 m
Duration 2 h
Lowest point: m
Highest point: m
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Detailed route description:


Nízke Tatry

Starting point

Chopok Nízke Tatry, Biela Púť

End of route:

Chata M. R. Štefánika


Detailed route description:

Chata Generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika pod Ďumbierom (General M.R.Stefanik Chalet under Mt Dumbier) is one of the most popular chalets in the Low Tatras. It is situated just 1 hour walk from Mt Ďumbier, the highest peak of the mountain range. It was built in 1928 and is rightly considered a star of the development of tourism in the Low Tatras. The chalet provides accommodation and food services and it is also a strategic point for relaxation and recharging new energy while hiking around the national park. Not far from the chalet, there is a well-known Dead Bats Cave open to tourists.

Using the Jasná resort´s cable cars which take tourists to the crossroad beneath Mt Chopok, the route is undemanding. From the foot of Mt Chopok, a trip to „Štefánička“ takes less than 2 hours. Therefore it is also suitable for families with children. The chalet is accessible from a ridge hike through the Low Tatras, from Ďumbier peak or Chopok peak, and also from the region of Horehronie, the southern side of the Low Tatras.

Availability and parking:

Free parking is available in the village of Demänovská Dolina or in the resort Jasná. Local bus service from Liptovský Mikuláš is also available.

Accommodation and catering options:

The village of Demänovská Dolina and Jasná resort offer a wide range of accommodation and food services. Chata M.R.Štefánika chalet itself also offers background for its visitors.

Plánovač Liptov

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