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Home Žiarska cottage

Žiarska cottage

Žiarska chata – 1,325 m above sea level is the only high-rise chatou in the Western Tatras – in the stredna part of the Žiarska valley vzdialená as well as 5.5 km from its mouth. They are often navštevovaná touristami, on the other hand they are driven by various hiking trails to Baníkova and Baranca oblasts.

Žiarska dolina is one of the most famous and native valleys not only within the framework of the Western Tatras, but also within the framework of the Tatras as a celku, and it is not due to the evidence of geological stavby, rastlinstva či živočíšstva, but also due to its origin lohu, good prístupnosť, pre množstvo kilometrov značkovaných chodníkov, which vedú hlavne in the surrounding ridges, before the nadherné and neo-packaged hills from the seaside hill of 2000 meters.

Around the chalet there is a blue turistick trail from the mouth of Žiarska dolina, a cesium Smutné sedlo to Katliakovo chatu and a green turistick trail from Otrhancov, Hrubý vrch and Jamnícká valley to Baníkov and Roháčska dolina. From the chalet sa dá ísť ďalej to Smutný sedlo (1.50 hrs), Žiarske sedlo (1.45 hrs) to Baranec (3.30 hrs), Plačlivé (2.20 hrs), Ostrý Roháč (3.25 hrs), Baníkov (2.45 hours) and Volovec (4.20 hours).

At the cottage there are cooling and charging station for e-bikes.

Accommodation capacity: 40 beds
Dining room capacity: 60 chairs
Buffet capacity: 30 chairs
Terrace capacity: 50 seats

Mountain Rescue Service
Emergency call tel.: 18 300


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