This little charming store located in the centre of the Ružomberok town sells a range of home-made and always fresh quality products sourced directly from local growers and producers.
The Hýrošova špajza store also sells the products awarded the Produkt Liptova brand of local products. The Produkt Liptova brand ensures the products bearing it are of high quality and honest, all produced locally with passion and love. Support local producers by buying their products. Visit the Hýrošova špajza store and choose from a selection of local products.
Products awarded the Produkt Liptova certificate:
- fresh cow’s milk (fat content of at least 3,6%) from a milk vending machine – the milk is from the farm in Liptovské Sliače. You can buy it from the milk vending machine right next to the store. The milk is raw, unpasteurized,
- excelent herbal tea made of herbs from the meadows in Východná, produced by BIOTATRY H&B,
- Krmešáky natural herbal soaps
- honey-cakes Med(veď)ovník and Medona (deliciously spiced, decorated ginger-bread like cookies)
- “Liptovské droby” and “šialence” from the Tkáč family
- natural flower honey from Včelie kráľovstvo
In addition to the products labelled the Produkt Liptova brand, the store offers lots of other local goodies like cheese products from the Farma Východná farm, meat and meat products made by the U Ňaňa butchery, beer brewed at the Liptovar brewery, desserts baked by Martin Devečka and many more.

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